Monday, February 25, 2008

From tropical Calgary back to Narnia (aka Ralston)

We are back in Ralston after a lovely long weekend in Calgary where we had warm sunshine, a high of +8 and even melting snow! We did get to see some of the Snowboarding Championships which was very impressive, though the average age of a snowboarder (and spectator) seemed to be about 15! With lot's of funky music and totally radical dude's, Ben was most entertained (whilst pretending not to be with us!). What happened to good old Ski Sunday & cow bells?!! We also went to the Science Park again, which a favourite of the kid's. There's lot's of interactive things for them to do which is great and Leigh & I can leave them to it and grab a coffee and read the paper! So we all had a great weekend away. We left balmy Calgary on Sunday afternoon and as we were driving back down the highway towards Ralston, the temperature guage on the car was steadily dropping down
the closer we got to Ralston! As we turned into the village the thick snow was still everywhere and the tree's were completely white. When we left the house this morning on the school run it was -25. Again! It was foggy too so Ben was more than hopeful for a 'no school day'! It really is just like Narnia here, though as Olivia pointed out, 'We haven't seen Mr Tumnus yet and we didn't walk through a wardrobe to get here either'! Thanks Olivia - good point!

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