Sunday, October 19, 2008

Where does the time go? All is well in sunny Ralston though it has turned rather chilly recently. Some mornings on the school run it has been a brisk -12 but thankfully warming up by lunchtime. Tomorrow we are expecting a tropical high of +18. Weird Canadian weather! I have noticed a lot of geese heading south recently. Very sensible.

Last week I helped out on Bens school trip to the Dinosaur Park which was a fun! No need to re-read that sentence, I did actually volunteer to go! (I must have still been half asleep when I agreed to it!). We had a great day out, though my instincts were confirmed that Ben is indeed the class clown! Luckily he`s a very popular boy and gets away with it! Chaperoning 4 boys around the Badlands who are all keen climbers is a frightening experience though!

Leigh is thankfully on the last Medman of the year and will be very glad when that finishes at the end of this month - it's even colder out on the Prairie (of course!). All we'll be waiting for then is for the snow to arrive and the ski fest to begin!

Footage of Ben at hockey training - Olivia is still 'thinking' about playing; hopefully she will make up her mind before the end of the season! Thank goodness Charlie is too young!


Nicky B said...

aw, he looks so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Nice moves for a little fella. Do they have rinks in Anglesaxonland?