Tuesday, December 2, 2008

-24 And Some Snow!

Well, we've had quite a busy week on the party front (well by Ralston standards anyway!). On Thursday evening we had a Regimental Dinner night in the Mess, which gave me the chance to wear the one dress I brought out here, and the men the chance to squeeze themselves into Mess Dress, which for most of them was tailored at least 20 years ago! Leigh didn't do too badly; only the one button pinged off his trousers but more odd than that was that one of his boots didn't fit anymore - just the one boot, which resulted in Leigh having this kind of Cowboy/Woody from 'Toy Story' strut! And if that wasn't funny enough, the bloke I was sat opposite had to apologise to me, as due to the tightness of his jacket he couldn't lift his arm high enough to pour the wine!!! And that, by the way, was the Commander!! A funny night indeed!

We've also had the Prairie Wives Christmas Party which was an 'Arabian Nights' theme in the Sgt's Mess. That was good fun and some of us girls 'got ready' at Marluz's house, which is something I haven't done for about 20 years! We had a good giggle, and luckily I had the sense not to have a Henna Tattoo which was available on the night, unlike Marluz who had one on her forehead!!!

On Sunday it was the annual SSAFA Christmas Fair which is held here at the gym in Ralston. Following the roaring success I had with my Roasted Tomato Soup at the recent Safari Supper, I agreed to do a Soup Kitchen with Patrick, the BFBS manager here. Laden with bubbling cauldrons of soup, Patrick & I set up stall selling my Roasted Tomato & Paticks Leek & Chickpea soups. We did have a laugh though I think Patrick fared better than I did as I hardly broke even by the time I paid for my stall! And to think I skinned 120 tomatoes! Oh well, it was all for 'Charity mate'! Needless to say, I don't think I am going to be head-hunted by Alan Sugar for my Sales Skills!

That's all for this week! The children are all happy and well. Oh and just to say Happy 41st oops I mean 21st Birthday to Mike Turner!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

says bloody cheek (in Swedish) and asks why you have my photo on your blog?